Environmental Policy
Introduction and Aim
Chris Davis Consultancy is a multi-disciplinary consultancy business, operating from offices in the South-West of England. Our main services are;
Tender Submissions
Production of Construction Documents
Project Management
Business Planning
We recognise that our operations result in emissions to air and water, and the generation of waste. It is our aim to comply with legislation and other requirements, continue to reduce the environmental impacts of our business and operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This policy describes how we will achieve our aim.
This environmental policy applies to all of our operations including management, office services, site operations and procurement. Chris Davis, Principal, has overall responsibility for ensuring that sufficient resources are made available to enable the business to achieve our environmental objectives and targets and that the policy is implemented and for ensuring that the requirements of this policy are being followed and for monitoring the effectiveness of the objectives. However, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.
During 2019-2020, we aim to:
make efficient use of natural resources by conserving energy and water, minimising waste and recycling where possible
meet our duty of care requirements in relation to waste by ensuring the safe keeping, transportation and subsequent recovery or disposal of waste
specify recycled construction materials whenever these can be safely and commercially justified
keep transport use to a minimum and regularly service vehicles to maintain their efficiency
work with suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products and transportation
include environmental considerations in investment decisions for new plant, equipment or working practices
inform and train all employees of the companies environmental objectives and how they can assist in meeting targets
use the most environmentally friendly cleaning products whenever possible
To achieve our aims, we have set ourselves the following targets:
reduce vehicle emissions to air by the scheduling of work to reduce mileage and using public transport where practical
recycle as much paper, cardboard, plastic and metal waste generated in the office as possible
reduce paper usage by increasing the use of e-mail and electronic documentation
reduce energy consumption by monitoring energy usage and training staff on basic housekeeping
Monitoring and Auditing
Progress against these objectives will be monitored through a number of mediums including:
Annual management review of this environmental policy and any associated environmental procedures
Regular internal audits of environmental procedures
The monitoring of environmental objectives and associated client led KPI’s / targets
Monthly management meetings.
This environmental policy is available at our office. All members of staff will receive training on the environmental responsibilities of their role, and will be informed of any updates or revisions via e-mail or team meetings.
Chris Davis February 2019